The health of seniors can be influenced by a variety of factors. As with anyone, physical activity and healthy eating habits play a large role in someone’s overall health. But did you know that social isolation can lead to a variety of health concerns, as well as have a significant impact on your health as you age?
Retirement should be one of the most fulfilling times in an adult’s life, but many suffer from decreased levels of socialization. In addition to reduced contact with work colleagues, many experience the death of friends and family, people moving away, and in general, we’ve just moved to a more “digital” world, and our ability to socialize has suffered.
The National Institute on Aging has referenced research that links social isolation and loneliness to higher risks of heart disease, heart disease, depression, obesity, Alzheimer’s, cognitive decline, and so much more. On the other hand, those 60 years and older who visited with friends almost daily are 12% less likely to develop dementia than those only seeing friends on a monthly basis.
Though maintaining an active social life can feel difficult at times, the benefits make it worthwhile. It’s never too late to start being social! Some great ways for seniors to connect are:
- Find a Hobby
Lots of us find that as we get older, we have a lot more time on our hands! Hobbies can help reduce stress levels, improve cognitive function, and bring you closer to someone new. - Learn Something New
Acquiring new skills and trades can be a great way for seniors to maintain their mental clarify. Many colleges and community centers offer classes to learn something new, from cooking to dancing to organic chemistry, there’s an activity out there for everyone! And with the expansion of the digital world, sites like MasterClass, Coursera, Udemy, Khan Academy, and Skillshare, you can learn something new right from your own space, at your own pace. - Volunteer
As you get older, you have gained a lot of experience and talents! Maybe you’re a wonderful knitter, or are great at playing Scrabble, you can share that knowledge and help yourself and someone else in the process. Premature babies are always in need of some “knitted love”, so hats or blankets are always a great thing to make for hospitals. The same goes for fur babies! Many animal shelters are always looking for blankets for shelter pets. If cooking is your thing, maybe you can connect with a local family shelter to provide a special meal, different than the necessities they primarily get. There’s no shortage of opportunities to share some love. - Travel
Whether you’re 5 minutes, 5 hours, or 2 days from home, getting out of your home can expose you to new cultures and people, while also getting you physically active with walking and sight-seeing. - Social Media
The internet has expanded our world. With social media, you can go online and chat with family or friends, find websites to learn and chat with others about niche interests and hobbies, or explore the world with history documentaries, museum tours, art museums, zoos, satellites, live streams. - Care Managers
The unique challenges that the elderly face can be hard to navigate, with changes to health, cognition, and ability. An experienced care manager will help create a plan to help accomplish daily tasks, prevent illness, and live a more active and fulfilling life by connecting to appropriate social engagement opportunities. Reach out to us, today, to set an appointment to review the care needs of an aging family member.
For seniors, developing positive outlets for support and connections can help reduce depression and anxiety, keep away stress, and reduce the risk of many physical health concerns. Socialization can help improve memory and increase longevity in life. As you age, it’s so important to take advantage of the opportunities to develop relationships and meet people.
Get out there and connect with someone new today!
If you or someone in your family are facing aging challenges, please give us a call at 877-337-0922 or email us at We’ll be happy to assist!
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