During World War ll Americans began to smoke more, sit at work longer, and eat more saturated fats. The war against heart disease began 75 years ago, when President Truman signed the National Heart Act. He set up the National Heart Institute and funded the study of heart disease.
During that time educating and providing resources made some headway in reducing heart disease. Early findings as major contributors to heart disease were smoking, high blood pressure, weight, and diabetes.
This got everyone’s attention and habits began to change, significantly reducing heart disease and related deaths. There were also medical advances that became contributors to further reducing deaths due to heart disease.
The gains that were made faded and obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, and diet, returned as contributors, just like they were in the earlier studies. This trend in the wrong direction has put us back in war status and maintains heart disease as the number one killer in America.
This is important information because it supports the following heart healthy tips.
• Keep your doctor appointments.
• Follow the doctors’ orders.
• Take your medications as prescribed.
• Eat a healthier diet.
• Reduce salt intake.
• Keep moving.
• Quit smoking.
• Reduce alcohol intake.
• Find resources and support for your desire to live a heart healthy life.
These are all action statements, which require you to take action to make them happen. All these tips can be life changing and it is never too late to start. There are always the natural occurrences due to aging and family history which play a part in future heart disease. You can break some of that cycle by reducing risk and rewriting your story.
So, where do you start? That question may depend on where you are and what changes you need to make. We work with aging persons in varying family situations but want you to know that if you are aging alone and do not have family, or a spouse, we are available to help review your current situation and provide recommendations as well.
We can review lifestyle management and help you take the steps needed to achieve your goals. Our experience focuses on all things related to senior living and defining needs as life changes. If you are facing any aging care challenges and need help finding the right resources, we monitor quality of community professionals and can help you find the best care options possible. If you need any help with modifying your diet, meal planning, shopping, or preparing meals, we can help you find a solution.
The stress reduced from getting help to remain heart healthy can also be a factor on our path to prevention. To learn more, please give us a call at 877-337-0922 or email us at cassandra@infinitycaremanagers.com”, and we’ll be happy to assist!
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